Welcome to the Vinchin Forum! We are aiming to build a professional, friendly, and efficient forum. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, please follow the forum rules. Users who violate these rules may face temporary or permanent bans.
- Please maintain civility and respect others. Avoid personal attacks, discriminatory language, or disrespectful behavior.
- No spam or irrelevant posts. Do not post meaningless text, images, or links that do not contribute to discussions.
- Refrain from discussing any politically sensitive topics.
- Avoid duplicate topics. Use the search function before posting to ensure a similar thread does not already exist.
- Protect Privacy. Do not share or request personal contact information, except for the forum administrator.
- Discussions about Vinchin License pricing are not allowed.
- Do not repeatedly post the same content or use comments to artificially boost thread visibility.
By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to making Vinchin Forum a better place for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation!