WIthin 60-day Full-Featured trial license, everybody always met the licensing issue during in backing up.
Here listed usually mistackes/issues:
- Resources( Virtual Infrastructure, Agent, Exchange, Object Storage etc.) already added into Vinchin, But can not selected to backing up.
Virtual Infrastructure



Object Storage

- Job already created, but after re-upload license, Job start with error message:
Failed to backup VM '2022', the host '' which own the VM is not licensed.,[#3005]the host of the VM is not licensed

Above two issues all related to havn't licensed the corresponding Backup Module.
- Redirect to Resources Page,
click on License button to Licensed it. Then it can be selected to create job or start the job properly.
Everyone is welcome to discuss together, if you have other comments or suggestions can also leave a comment!
Best Regards,
Neil Zhuo