Customer Stories
Customer Stories Tecnologia de Valores S.A.| Caja de Valores S.A.| BYMA

Vinchin Provides An Intelligent Agentless V2V Migration Solution for BYMA

Quick Overview
Tecnologia de Valores S.A.| Caja de Valores S.A.| BYMA




Financial Services


Due to the upcoming cessation of service for RHV by Red Hat, the technology department of BYMA, TECVAL, urgently needed a V2V migration solution to alleviate the enormous pressure of migrating hundreds of virtual machines from RHV to VMware andand to ensure uninterrupted business operations during the migration process.


VMware, RHV


Vinchin provides BYMA with an intelligent V2V migration solution that ensures information security and business continuity. Compared to traditional migration solution, it simplifies the progress by migrating the full VM from RHV to VMware without exporting, converting, or importing virtual disk. In addition, it ensures business continutiy and won’t influence the production environment.


We have successfully migrated our virtual machines from RHEV to a VMware environment without any problems and even without contacting Vinchin for support because this software works perfectly so we don't need any support to go ahead.                                                                                                                   


Jorge Stiletano

Deputy Technology Manager


Business Challenge

Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos (BYMA) is one of Argentina's primary securities exchanges and plays a crucial role in the country's economy by providing a trading platform for investors and businesses, facilitating capital flow and market development.

TECVAL, as BYMA's technology division, is dedicated to providing comprehensive enterprise services and solutions to various industries. With Red Hat Virtualization going into maintenance support from August 2022 and scheduled to be completely unsupported by 2026. TECVAL is actively pursuing an intelligent V2V solution to ensure a seamless transition of hundreds of RHV virtual machines to VMware in a couple of months without disrupting local business operations.

Vinchin Solution

Vinchin Backup & Recovery supports a wide range of virtualization platforms including VMware, Proxmox, OLVM, RHV and more than 10 other platforms. This migration solution can directly migrate VM to the target virtualization platform and start the VM in the management console, meanwhile, ensuring the proper configuration and function of the migrated virtual machines.

Vinchin provides an agentless migration solution that simplifies the migration process. TECVAL just need to add the RHV and VMware hosts to the backup system and then all the VMs will be listed there.

During the migration process, Vinchin Backup & Recovery creates full VM backup for all the RHV VM as the source and also protect VM data in case any accidents. TECVAL was able to easily migrate these VMs from RHV to VMware the intuitive web console by restoring VM backups to VMware hosts. The migrated VM can be directly used in vCenter so it is easy to switch the workload during a non-peak hour.

Jorge commented, "TECVAL has successfully migrated VMs from RHV to VMware environment without encountering any issues. This migration is for our development, and it's a good start for us, we plan to further collaborate with Vinchin for our production migration soon."


Vinchin Backup & Recovery is an intelligent and efficient V2V migration solution that utilizes agentless backup to greatly simplify the migration process. It fully supports various virtualization platforms, including VMware, Proxmox, OLVM, RHV, and other 10+ platforms. With seamless migration capabilities, Vinchin ensures a smooth transition between platforms for BYMA. Jorge exclaimed, "We are extremely satisfied with the product and its results. We look forward to continuing to use this product for migrations.

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