We ended up choosing Vinchin Backup & Recovery as our preferred VM backup solution for protecting our thousands of Openstack VMs because it's highly intuitive and easy to use. The configuration is simple and flexible both when it comes to backing up, recovering, and monitoring with the web console and the reports. Moreover, we are very satisfied with the strong support from Vinchin's team that the competitors cannot offer. Vinchin Backup & Recovery is exactly what we want!

Qiang Wang, Technology Consultant
Chengdu Municipal People's Government

Business Challenge
Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan province, with a built-up area of 949.6 square kilometers and a permanent resident population of 16.581 million. It is an important central city in western China and has been known as the "land of abundance" since ancient times.
Chengdu municipal government Openstack cloud platform was established and operated in 2010, providing flexible, reliable, secure information infrastructure services including virtual machines, storage, and network for the municipal government departments. As of now, more than 240 government application systems of 80 municipal departments have been deployed to the Openstack cloud, Chengdu municipal government requires these data to be kept securely and widely available at all times, any downtime or data loss would be unacceptable and could impact the business of each department severely.
" As far as I know, compatibility with Openstack is much more complex for backup tools than other virtualization platforms, accordingly the testing process requires backup vendor engineers to spend a lot of time adapting and debugging. Plus there are very few backup vendors in the market that support backing up Openstack, which makes it difficult to find a good one among them. Last year our server running the critical business was attacked by ransomware, and then we managed to recover backups using the backup tool we had at the time, but it consumed a significant amount of time and even almost failed because some of the backup files were not available. Since then, we've had an idea of looking for a higher-performance backup solution.” Said Wang.
Vinchin Solution
Although the complexity of the Chengdu Municipal People's Government Openstack environment, Vinchin support team only spent a short time on adapting and debugging in their datacenter, then smoothly deployed Vinchin Backup & Recovery in their Openstack platform. “I've heard that Vinchin Backup & Recovery is very great in terms of functionality compared with other backup tools. I felt it myself and believed it. What we enjoy about Vinchin Backup & Recovery is that software allows us to schedule backups, complete these backups in minutes or even seconds, recover VMs from backups to different locations efficiently." Said Wang.
With Vinchin Backup & Recovery deployed in the customer's Openstack environment, Vinchin support team started a full survey of their entire environment, then divided the 1000+ VMs into different backup tasks, and did the corresponding configuration of each task according to their priority.
In the end, a backup of 1000+ virtual machines and over tens of TB data were completed within 2 days. "We are so surprised with the capability of Vinchin team, you can't imagine how great it is for us to finish a task in two days that was once impossible!" Said Wang.
"With the help of Vinchin support, we established a new smaller Openstack environment for verifying our backup data availability, this is really useful to ensure our business data can be fully recovered in the event of a disaster." Said Wang. With Vinchin Instant VM Recovery, the customer can restore any size VM to the verification environment from any restore point within 1 minute. “To verify whether the backed up VM is available to recover, only 1 minute I will know. That's awesome! Now we are able to maintain the integrity of the critical data for each department, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief!" Said Wang.
"The previous backup products could not handle our thousands of VMs, while Vinchin Backup & Recovery allowed us to back up all VMs in a short time. We have increased the amount of our VMs in the last few months, thus we are glad that we switched to Vinchin Backup & Recovery because we have integrated everything into a single solution. Ultimately, Vinchin Backup & Recovery helped us simplify backups and save administration time!" Said Wang