Customer Stories
Customer Stories National University of Mongolia

Vinchin simplifies VMware backup and restore for NUM to save their IT administration time

Quick Overview
National University of Mongolia






The data protection solution National University of Mongolia (NUM) had was clumsy and slow in administration and backup, bringing them extra amount of work. And it didn’t support advanced recovery features, nor it has reinforced security guarantees, which worry the IT team.




Vinchin Backup & Recovery supplies flexible and smart data protection solutions to NUM with CBT-aided incremental backup, HotAdd data transport, instant recovery accessible. Those backup and recovery tasks are all visible in the intuitive web-based console that largely cuts down administration time.


Vinchin Backup & Recovery greatly reduces our workload in administration through a simple but useful web user interface, all our backup or restore tasks can be seen here. VMware backup is also easy and fast with its advanced settings support. Our key education systems manage to keep in a highly available state with instant restore, which is so reassuring.

Zolbayar Nomkhon, ICT Manager 

National University of Mongolia


Business Challenge

National University of Mongolia (NUM), the first and oldest institution of higher learning in Magnolia established in 1942 in the metropolis of Ulaanbaatar, hosts 7 facilities, 2 branches and 3 academies of national importance. Enrolled over 30,000 students, NUM is the leading research and education center of the country covering undergraduate and graduate programs of all fields.

With over 30,000 students in 7 facilities, NUM substituted virtualization environment for the numerous physical servers to manage school systems, faculty staff and students’ information altogether on VMware. The old data protection solution took efforts to administer and back up.“Due to the lack of smart task alert, you have to check on each task under specific VM from time to time”says Zolbayar from the university,“this can be tiresome but we got no choice just to make sure they proceed normally.”Another drawback comes from student’s constant complaining about how the school internet and system always being stuck while using because of high resource consumption and bandwidth of backup.

As an 80-year-old university with countless research files and personal information, NUM needs the maximal security guarantee of its data, and the shorter system downtime, the better. So, the recovery has to be high-efficient. But unfortunately, these features are either unavailable or weak in the current data solution. Zolbayar fretted over the vulnerabilities of the current one,“Its failure to survive through accidents is very likely. And we don't have corresponding measures.”

Vinchin Solution

The first time the IT team used Vinchin Backup & Recovery, they were captivated by the all-in-one web user UI with centralized features that could emancipate them from boring and tedious management work.“It's really fascinating that we don't have to stumble over trivial things and get down to business,”said Zolbayar.

The IT team of NUM established a complete backup strategy with mail notification for tasks that met their demands and circumstances. Weekly full backup and daily CBT-driven incremental backup under the instruction of backup window indicator are directly transferred via HotAdd free from high bandwidth consumption, which hugely liberates resources for faster backup as well as lesser competition with school systems. CBT (Changed Block Tracking) quickens up incremental backup further by backing up solely the changed data since last time judging by the snapshots taken. The backup window indicators recommend suitable backup periods to avoid resources conflicts.

And more than that, the instant recovery of the software allows the VM to be restored and run again in the production environment within 15 seconds without any effect on original backup data, which minimizes system downtime, business interruption and secures the original backups.“The instant recovery of the software cracks the hard nut for us,”added Zolbayar,“we don't have to worry about the inability of recovery after an accident anymore.”


Vinchin Backup & Recovery stably protects NUM's system and critical data with advanced features such as CBT incremental backup, HotAdd data transmission, smart mail notification and instant recovery, all of which can be centrally managed in the centralized web console. “It is indeed exciting that we find a software like Vinchin Backup & Recovery, it not only relieves us of backup and administration burden, but also arms the school system with solid recovery plans.”said Zolbayar.



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