Customer Stories
Customer Stories Provincia di Varese

Vinchin delivers double protection of Sangfor HCI VMs for Provincia di Varese to reach higher service availability

Quick Overview
Provincia di Varese






Provincia di Varese newly added Sangfor HCI into the IT infrastructure, and they wanted to find an easy approach to have fast data backup and restore.


Sangfor HCI


Vinchin Backup & Recovery provides Sangfor HCI backup and restore features including fast automated VM backups and offsite backup copy and integrate them all into one single web console, simplifying the protection of the virtual environment.


Vinchin Backup & Recovery meets our needs of advanced Sangfor HCI protection with its efficient, easy-to-operate and effective functionality. By building a multi-location backup infrastructure that can be managed centrally, the solution guarantees the availability of both administrative files and public service programs better.

Representative from Technical Department

Provincia di Varese

Provincia di Varese - 1

Business Challenge

The province of Varese (Provincia di Varese) is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. The headquarters of the AgustaWestland, the company merged into Leonardo since 2016, the world's largest producer of helicopters, is based in Samarate, a comune of the province. As of 2015, it has a population of 889,410 inhabitants over an area of 1,198.11 square kilometers.

The province of Varese provides e-government services for residents to easily obtain all kinds of documents and information from home or work. They also build an online archive center for transparent administration so that people can know policy updates most in time. “Just like any other governmental agency, we rely heavily on IT to implement work. Last year, in order to keep services in the Sangfor HCI hosts highly recoverable, we had been looking for a mature data protection solution to help.” Says the representative.

“Since it was a newly added virtualization in our IT infrastructure, we still wanted to have an easy approach to have fast data backup and restore.” What the government needed is one solution that helps to improve the data security level of their critical Sangfor HCI workloads from multiple sites with simplifies backup and recovery job management.

Vinchin Solution

The IT department of Provincia di Varese eventually found Vinchin Backup & Recovery to agentlessly support their Sangfor HCI environment. “The installation and backup deployment of Vinchin Backup & Recovery are very easy, and we can simply add any host we want to the backup infrastructure.” Says the representative, “And another thing I like about most has to be its fool-proof management interface, which compresses backup or restore job configuration of any kind into 3 or 4 steps, adding no extra workloads on data protection.”

Most importantly, Vinchin Backup & Recovery resolves the most considered issue of the department, that is, to keep high availability of the services by helping to build an offsite DR center that can still be managed via the same web console. “With technical support from Vinchin team, we successfully deployed another backup system at our offsite data center and connected it with the primary one.” Says the representative. “Having offsite copies of our on-premises Sangfor HCI backups improves service recoverability when emergency happens.”

After testing the instant restore feature of Vinchin Backup & Recovery for several times, Provincia di Varese now believes they find a powerful solution to save them from the breakdown of critical Sangfor HCI VM. “Fortunately, no serious interruption has occurred before, yet we’re now feeling even more relieved for we can easily restore the service within a minute under the help of Vinchin Backup & Recovery.” Says the representative.


With Vinchin Backup & Recovery installed in both primary and offsite data center of Varese province, the IT team can now ensure high availability of the service data and administrative files on their Sangfor HCI hosts with centralized and streamlined management via one web-based console. “Viewing from the development of the entire government, we believe it was a success to choose Vinchin Backup & Recovery for powerful and independent Sangfor HCI protection. We have gained much benefits from its efficient, easy-to-operate and effective functionality.” Says the representative.



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