Customer Stories

Vinchin automates oVirt backup for the light workload of Ecuadorian security company SCANNEREXPRESS SEGURIDAD INTEGRADA CIA. LTDA.

Quick Overview






SCANNEREXPRESS SEGURIDAD INTEGRADA CIA. LTDA. (also known as Grupo Scanner Security) applied an open-source backup solution that makes manual backups, which is not only time-consuming but also tricky. As the company is developing, the solution doesn’t fit the bill anymore.




Vinchin Backup & Recovery renders automatic and handy oVirt backup and recovery for SCANNEREXPRESS SEGURIDAD INTEGRADA CIA. LTDA. Backup is much easier and faster with schedules, CBT, as well as data deduplication and compression. While oVirt recovery is selectable from instant or file-level types.


We want a backup solution to do all these things for us, in our research we found that the only solution for making backups and integration with oVirt at a high level was Vinchin so we decide to make some tests, and we get really pleased with it.

Paúl Vaca, Development Team and DevOps Leader



Business Challenge

Founded in 1999 in Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas, SCANNEREXPRESS SEGURIDAD INTEGRADA CIA. LTDA. is an experienced private security service provider that adopts security practices, and identifies, and reduces risks for the customers’ peace of mind. The company combines human talent with state-of-the-art security equipment for optimal security services. With 250 employees working nationwide, it is one of the industry leaders in Ecuador.

“We met oVirt by the end of 2019, right now we got 41 VMs running with this platform along 3 servers from different architectures, a few of them run on Windows Server like DNS, ActiveDirectory, and SQL server; but a great part of this group has Linux OS such as Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu or Mikrotik,” said Paúl Vaca, the Development Team and DevOps leader of SCANNEREXPRESS SEGURIDAD INTEGRADA CIA. LTDA.,“ as our company is growing, we employ a new software that opens more functionalities and capabilities, which means the old backup solution is not enough.”

“We need to back up all the work and effort achieved at this moment, we did many tests with opensource software like clonezilla, dd tool, and some others to generate manual backups, even a NAS and its tools, but none of them work as expected,” said Paúl.

According to Paúl, what the security company is looking for is backup automation for oVirt. The previous software runs manual data backup that requires time, effort, and supervision. This is a troublesome backup experience that causes the staff a lot of pain. Of course, a data backup solution without recovery is unfinished. So, recovery is also entailed.

Vinchin Solution

“We found Vinchin as an official partner for RedHat and oVirt solutions, as many others only offer such kind of solutions for companies like VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, Oracle, etc., Vinchin is the only one that works so great with oVirt that it stands out from the rest; we love and feel comfortable working with this compatible software,” said Paúl.

Vinchin Backup & Recovery is totally different from the old solution. It delivers a simplified backup service for SCANNEREXPRESS SEGURIDAD INTEGRADA CIA. LTDA. Paúl mentioned that oVirt backup automatization with the platform itself is “supervise and takes some actions if any problem is encountered. But Vinchin is less headache.” 

It’s because Vinchin Backup & Recovery is set on a repeatable schedule and allows users to make frequent backups. Also, to ensure everything is going fine during the progress, the admin can encrypt the transfer path and enable email notifications to report on the job status so he can stay on top of the progress.

“The CBT-supported forever incremental backup is awesome and we love how it speeds everything up; the integration with many storage options also is cool, as we can choose from a local disk to Cloud Storage, which simplifies too many tasks; the data reduction is just amazing. And its web interface is very easy to use, so the user experience is quite nice. Even non-specialists can handle and understand the task,” Paúl said.

Effective and timely data recovery is the safety net for the security company. Risks lurk everywhere. Chances are you could experience file inaccessibility, malware attacks, accidental deletion, corrupted documents, or unexpected system shutdowns. 

The instant recovery and file-level recovery of Vinchin Backup & Recovery are made for such situations. SCANNEREXPTESS SEGURIDAD INTEGRADA CIA. LTDA can count on instant recovery to bring its VM backup in seconds for business continuity and minimum RTO. Meanwhile, file-level recovery helps the business retrieve inaccessible individual folders or files to save time and resources.


Vinchin Backup & Recovery provides SCANNEREXPRESS SEGURIDAD INTEGRADA CIA. LTDA., the security and investigation company, automated oVirt backup, and multiple recovery options. With various strategies like backup schedules, CBT (Changed Block Tracking), and data encryption, the IT team of this security company finds the backup much more straightforward than the last one, and the recovery including instant and granular sets its heart on rest.


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