The operating experience Vinchin has given us is way beyond expectation. We've never thought we could manage and protect our data under complicated environment in such a timesaving and effortless way, until they really succeed to help us reach this ultimate goal. Vinchin makes our way on building an out-standing smart hospital much easier under their reliable data protection solutions.

Junbo Ge, Director
The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China

Business Challenge
USTC Hospital (The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China), established on 1898, is a medical institute with a reputation rapidly growing with over a hundred years of long history. As a provincial comprehensive class A tertiary medical center, it covers the whole spectrum of medical field spanning from healthcare, medical rehabilitation and emergency aid to medical research and tuition, contributing to ensure people's health in an all-around way. Taking advantages of front-edge medical equipment and specialists from all medical departments, USTC Hospital has successfully become one of patients' first choices when they're in need.
The unified integration information system USTC Hospital deploys brings great convenience on information exchange process among different medical institutes, but data security couldn't be fully guaranteed in this way, especially hospitals happen to be one of the main targets of virus attacks. "Service system breakdown will lead to devastating consequences. A mass of patients come to us every day, and we can't have them waiting for too long because of any system failure. It's a matter of saving lives." Said Dr. Ge. In 2018, the hospital had given nearly 4.3 million people treatments, which strongly links to the enormous number of data basis.
Along with various medical data forms like pictures and videos evolves with time, the traditional data backup system is under much heavy pressure, and finds it more and more difficult to meet the requirement to protect skyrocketing number of unstructured files efficiently.
Due to the needs of different medical purposes, data in USTC Hospital is also saved in several platforms. "We really have a hard time managing and utilizing those storage devices effectively, which is a pretty draining task," said Dr. Ge, "If we can find a backup solution help us take advantage of existing storage facilities to store the backups, rather than purchasing new facilities, that would be fantastic."
Vinchin Solution
The virtualization environment of USTC Hospital is quite complicated, but Vinchin succeeds to simplify the whole process. "We used to have serious headache when it comes to the problem of managing data centrally, but Vinchin sends us the cure. Vinchin Backup & Recovery allows us to back up data generated from different virtual platforms with a single pane of glass. And thanks to its high compatibility with diverse storages, it perfectly suits our needs of maximizing the utilization of our existing resources, and leads us to explore greater possibilities of data backup without limitation.”
By deduplication and BitDetector, Vinchin Backup & Recovery also helps USTC Hospital to reduce backup data size, thus to save costs on storage consumption. " Vinchin comes up with a solution to detect and extract duplicated data, swap file and unpartitioned space, which will be deleted or excluded before backing up to the destination, so that to keep creating space for new important data. This not only effectively frees up storage but also saves much valuable time.”
System failures are always inevitable, but Vinchin finds a way to break through. "Vinchin is just like a non-stop safeguard that protects and backs up data in real time. Even if some unexpected emergency happens, data previously being saved in our backup system is always there available to support the service system to get back on track in an instant, just like magic."
"We've never imagined data protection could be so easy until we met Vinchin. Their professional and easy-to-use backup solution has hugely improved our data protection efficiency so that we could put more effort on optimizing our service system for patients worry-free."
As digital medical programs like mobile medical, AI medical imaging and electronic medical records gradually take place of traditional medical information forms in USTC Hospital for curing patients, Vinchin quickly corresponds to such trend and continually prompts the data evolution process going forward under guaranteed-level protection.