Vinchin Knowledge Base
question Question

How does Vinchin Backup & Recovery monitor system work?

Last Modified: 2023-07-13 10:51:04 | Product: Vinchin Backup & Recovery | Version: V7.0

Questions Type: Features

KB Number: 100406

question Answer

Monitor system helps you to keep informed about the health condition of the overall Vinchin backup system by reviewing, analyzing, and reporting.

Vinchin Backup & Recovery can monitor the availability of backup data of VMs by providing backup verification report, and closely monitor the storage situation, providing you with warnings when the storage is poor performance or close to threshold by alert email, and monitor items that may affect the overall performance, such as CPU and memory Usage, network flow, general storage availability, etc.

In addition, we also provide a real-time synchronous data visualization large screen, you can check status of all protected data within a single screen.

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