How to add an offsite storage?
Last Modified: 2021-08-12 10:09:13 | Product: Vinchin Backup & Recovery | Version: V6.0 V6.5
Questions Type: How-to
KB Number: 200235
How to add an offsite storage?

Before adding an offsite storage, here are some prerequisites:
Your primary site Vinchin backup server should be at least licensed with Standard edition license.
An offsite Vinchin backup server needs to be installed on another location, and a backup copy storage needs to be added on the offsite Vinchin backup server.
The primary site Vinchin backup server should be able to access the offsite Vinchin backup server via a VPN IP or public IP on ports 22804 and 23005.
Bandwidth between primary site and offsite must be fast enough to transfer new backup data generated during the previous copy job session to the next copy job session.
To add an offsite storage, please follow the steps below:
On Resource -> Storage screen, click on Add button.
In Storage Type dropdown list, select Off-site Storage.
In IP/Domain field, type in the IP address of the offsite Vinchin backup server.
In Username and Password fields, type in the web admin user credentials of the offsite Vinchin backup server.
For Storage Objective option, Backup Copy is selected by default and it's unchangeable, it means the offsite storage will be used for offsite copy only.
Optionally configure the storage Name and Storage Alert.
Click on OK button to add the offsite storage.
If the offsite Vinchin backup server was once been used as an offsite copy target, and it contains offsite backup copy data, you'll be asked whether to import the existing data or not.

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