Vinchin Knowledge Base
question Question

How to add LVM as a storage resource?

Last Modified: 2021-08-12 10:07:05 | Product: Vinchin Backup & Recovery | Version: V6.0 V6.5

Questions Type: How-to

KB Number: 200228

How to add LVM as a storage resource?

question Answer

LVM allows you to automatically detect and add an unmounted logical volume as a storage resource from Vinchin backup server's web console.

Follow the steps below to add logical volume as a storage resource:

  1. On Resources -> Storage screen, click on Add button.

  2. In Storage Type dropdown list, select LVM.

  3. In Node IP/Domain dropdown list, select the target node which you wish the storage to be added.

  4. In Storage Resource field, the unmounted logical volumes will be scanned and then listed here. You should select a logical volume which you wish to use. If there's no item found, then it means all logical volumes had been mounted already, you can choose to unmount the target logical volume from the command line interface and then try again.

  5. Choose the Storage Objective from Backup, Backup Copy and Backup Archive. This will determine for which purpose the storage will be used.

  6. Optionally configure the storage Name and Storage Alert.

  7. Click on OK button to add the partition as a storage resource.

If this logical volume was once used by Vinchin backup server and there's backup data inside, Vinchin backup server will automatically detect the backups and provide you options to import the existing backups or to format this logical volume and add it as a new one. It's recommended to import the backups rather than format, unless you certainly know the backups are no longer useful.

And if this logical volume contains other data assets which are not backups generated by Vinchin, please make sure you had already made a copy of the data to another storage media before proceeding, because Vinchin requires formatting the logical volume before adding it as a storage resource.

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