Vinchin Knowledge Base
question Question

To setup Offsite Backup Copy (Offsite DR), what kind of license is required on the DR site Vinchin server?

Last Modified: 2021-08-12 10:09:35 | Product: Vinchin Backup & Recovery | Version: V6.0 V6.5

Questions Type: Troubleshooting

KB Number: 300236

To setup Offsite Backup Copy (Offsite DR), what kind of license is required on the DR site Vinchin server?

question Answer

Usually, if there's no VM needs to be backed up on the DR site, then, no paid license is required for the DR site Vinchin server. Just contact your Vinchin sales representative or a local Vinchin dealer to provide you a free license dedicated for Offsite Backup Copy.

With this free license, the DR site Vinchin server can be configured as an offsite copy target for the primary site Vinchin server, and the primary site Vinchin server can then send a copy of its backup data to the DR site to keep your backups safe from site disasters.

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