Vinchin Knowledge Base
question Question

What's the difference between server-to-client and client-to-server mode when deploying an agent?

Last Modified: 2023-07-13 09:52:19 | Product: Vinchin Backup & Recovery | Version: V7.0

Questions Type: Features

KB Number: 300398

question Answer

server-to-client:You need to manually connect client's agent on Vinchin server. Client site need to open ports 23100 and 23101 for Vinchin, Vinchin server site need to open port 22711 to connect.

client-to-server:Automatically connect Vinchin server from client site. Client site need to open port 23101, Vinchin server site need to open ports 22710 and 22711.

(For detailed steps about how to deploy agent and choose connection mode, please read our User_Guide Page 85 Preparation for Physical Backup)

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