When do I have to deploy a Vinchin Backup Node?
Last Modified: 2021-08-12 09:59:11 | Product: Vinchin Backup & Recovery | Version: V6.0 V6.5
Questions Type: Troubleshooting
KB Number: 300210
When do I have to deploy a Vinchin Backup Node?

Usually, a standalone physical machine installed Vinchin backup server with recommended hardware configurations will support you backing up a virtual infrastructure with around 200 VMs or 50TB production data.
If you got a far more larger virtual infrastructure to be backed up, you could choose to deploy Vinchin backup node(s) to expand the Vinchin backup infrastructure for backing up your virtual infrastructure. The Vinchin backup node is also required to be installed on a physical machine. The hardware specification of the backup node can be lower or higher than the backup server, it depends on how much workload you wish to share with.
If your Vinchin backup server is installed as a VM, it's not recommended to install a Vinchin backup node VM to expand the backup infrastructure. You can choose to upgrade the backup server VM configurations, or to install backup node on a physical machine to expand the backup infrastructure.

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