When do I have to deploy a Vinchin Backup Proxy?
Last Modified: 2021-08-12 10:00:07 | Product: Vinchin Backup & Recovery | Version: V6.0 V6.5
Questions Type: Troubleshooting
KB Number: 300211
When do I have to deploy a Vinchin Backup Proxy?

Vinchin backup proxy is an optional backup infrastructure component dedicated for VMware virtual platform, it can utilize the HotAdd technology of the ESXi server for efficient VM backup.
If you are backing up your VMware virtual platform through LAN, and your Vinchin backup server is installed on a physical machine, you can choose to install a Vinchin backup proxy VM on the ESXi cluster for implementation of HotAdd backup.
If your Vinchin backup server is installed as a VM on the ESXi cluster, then Vinchin backup proxy installation is not required, because the backup proxy functionality is already built-in on the Vinchin backup server VM.

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