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News List Global Blue Screen Incident Causes Major Disruptions: Vinchin Emphasizes Urgent Importance of Backup Solutions

Global Blue Screen Incident Causes Major Disruptions: Vinchin Emphasizes Urgent Importance of Backup Solutions

2024-07-24 | Vinchin Official

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Recently, a sudden blue screen issue with Windows operating systems worldwide has been linked to CrowdStrike's software. Specifically, the problem involves the CrowdStrike agent (csagent.sys) causing a "WIN32K_POWER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT" error, resulting in system crashes and blue screens. This issue has led to widespread disruptions as many organizations utilize CrowdStrike's cybersecurity solutions.

Reportedly, CrowdStrike's cybersecurity solutions are widely adopted across enterprises and institutions, further amplifying the impact of this incident. Users have found their computers abruptly entering blue screen states, displaying traditional error codes and incomprehensible error messages. This technical disaster has affected users of all scales, from individual users to large enterprises.

Significant industries such as banks, hospitals, and schools have also faced substantial impacts. Banks' transaction processing and customer services were hindered, hospitals encountered difficulties with electronic medical records and medical equipment management, and schools' online teaching and student information management were severely affected.

Microsoft Corporation has not issued an official statement regarding this global outage yet, but it is reported that their technical support teams are actively addressing this emergency. Experts advise users to remain patient and refrain from attempting unverified solutions to avoid exacerbating the issue.

Vinchin expressed deep dismay over the event, stating, "This global blue screen failure is not only frustrating but also has a significant impact on global economic activities. As users, we look forward to Microsoft swiftly and effectively resolving the issue and taking measures to prevent similar incidents in the future."

With a sharp increase in affected users globally, the impact of this sudden event may continue for several days. Vinchin emphasized the urgent importance of backups to prepare for future incidents, noting that backup solutions can effectively mitigate risks of data loss and business interruptions caused by system failures.


We will continue to monitor and provide timely updates on the latest developments.

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