How to Archive Proxmox Backup to Cloud?

Learn to secure Proxmox VE backups by syncing to cloud storage, ensuring data safety and business continuity with simple, cost-effective steps.


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Updated by Iris Lee on 2024/07/30

Table of contents
  • Why need to archive Proxmox backup to cloud?

  • Sync Proxmox backup to cloud via Rclone

  • Easily Archive your Proxmox backup to cloud with Vinchin solution

  • Proxmox backup FAQs

  • Conclusion

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With the increasing reliance on virtual environments for deploying a wide array of applications, the need for robust backup solutions has never been more critical. Proxmox VE is a powerful open-source platform for virtualization, which includes the ability to manage virtual machines, containers, storage, and networking. In this context, moving Proxmox backup to cloud emerges as a vital component, offering a secure and efficient way to protect data and ensure business continuity.

Why need to archive Proxmox backup to cloud?

Disaster Recovery: In the event of a catastrophic failure at your primary site, having backups in the cloud ensures that you can restore your virtual environments quickly and efficiently. This capability is crucial for minimizing downtime and maintaining access to critical applications and data.

Cost Efficiency: With cloud storage, you typically pay only for what you use, turning capital expenses into operational expenses. This can be more cost-effective than maintaining and upgrading on-site data centers, especially for small to medium-sized businesses.

Technical Support and SLAs: Cloud service providers usually provide professional technical support and SLAs to ensure the quality and reliability of data backup and archiving services. These SLAs typically include metrics such as data availability, performance, and RTOs.

Sync Proxmox backup to cloud via Rclone

Rclone is an open-source command-line program for managing and synchronizing files and directories to and from various cloud storage services. It supports multiple cloud storage providers such as Amazon S3, Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and various other cloud storage services. It can help you sync your local repository

To use Rclone to send your Proxmox backups to the cloud, you will need to follow these general steps:

1. Install Rclone

You can usually install it using your package manager or you can download the latest version from the Rclone website.

2. Configure Rclone

You need to configure it with the cloud storage provider you intend to use. This is done by creating a new remote with the “rclone config” command. It will take you through a series of steps to setup the remote.

rclone config

During the configuration process, you’ll be asked to choose the cloud storage service and provide the necessary authentication details, such as API keys, client ID, client secret, or username and password, depending on the service.

3. Test the configuration

Before proceeding with the backup, test the configuration to ensure it can connect to your cloud storage successfully.

rclone ls myremote

Replace “myremote” with the name you gave your cloud storage remote

4. Automate backup transfer

Once Rclone is configured, you can use it to transfer your Proxmox backups to the cloud. Assuming your backups are stored in “/var/lib/vz/dump”, you could use the following command to copy a backup to the cloud:

rclone copy /var/lib/vz/dump myremote:path/to/backups

Replace “myremote” with the name of your Rclone remote and “path/to/backups” with the path where you want to store your backups in the cloud.

5. Schedule the Backup

To automate this process, you can create a cron job that runs the rclone command at a regular interval. Edit the crontab for the root user by running:

crontab -e

And add a line like this to schedule a backup every day at 2 AM, for instance:

0 2 * * * /usr/bin/rclone copy /var/lib/vz/dump myremote:path/to/backups

6. Monitoring and Logs

It’s important to monitor your backups to ensure they are completing successfully. You can redirect the output of the following command to a file for logging purposes:

0 2 * * * /usr/bin/rclone copy /var/lib/vz/dump myremote:path/to/backups >> /var/log/rclone_backup.log 2>&1

Remember to replace “myremote:path/to/backups” with the actual remote name and path you have configured. Also, adjust the paths and filenames according to your environment and preferences.

Easily Archive your Proxmox backup to cloud with Vinchin solution

Vinchin Backup & Recovery is a backup solution designed for virtual machines of VMware, Hyper-V, Proxmox, XenServer, XCP-ng, oVirt, RHV, etc. It provides comprehensive and powerful VM backup and recovery features like agentless backup, instant recovery, V2V migration designed to protect and manage critical data in the virtualization environment.

With Vinchin Backup & Recovery you can easily archive your backup data to cloud object storage. Vinchin supports archiving local VM backups to Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, MinIO, Wasabi and more. Provide you with an alternative to use the cost-effecive storage for high-standard long-term retention demand, and help comply with local data security laws and support with Cloud DR, giving triple guarantee on data security.

Here is a user-friendly web console to help you easily archive Proxmox backup data to cloud just in 4 steps:

1. Add cloud storage

Add cloud storage

Before creating an archive job, a backup job should be created first, and also make sure there’s storage added for the backup archive.

2. Select the archive source

Select the archive source

3. Select the archive strategy

Select the archive strategy

In primary strategy section, you can choose to archive as scheduled or once-off archive.

Select the archive strategy

In advanced strategy section, you need to choose cloud object storage as the destination. You can also choose transmission strategy and retention policy here.

4. Review and submit the job.

Vinchin Backup & Recovery has been selected by thousands of companies and you can also start to use this powerful system with a 60-day full-featured trial! Also, contact us and leave your needs, and then you will receive a solution according to your IT environment.

Proxmox backup FAQs

1. Q: How to set up Proxmox offsite backup?

A: You can set up Proxmox offsite backup with 4 methods:

a. Implementing Proxmox Offsite Backup with PBS

b. Establish offsite backup and restore through Proxmox ZFS

c. Using VZDump to create backups to a USB disk

d. Set up offsite backup copy with Vinchin Backup & Recovery

Click the highlight part to learn the details and steps.

2. Q: How can I optimize my Proxmox backup storage?

A: You can optimize Proxmox backup storage with Proxmox ZFS compression. It reduces the physical storage space required for your data, leading to cost savings on storage hardware. Moreover, it minimizes the data footprint, which translates into less data to transfer over the network — enhancing network performance and reducing bandwidth costs.


Archiving Proxmox backups to the cloud is a strategic step towards ensuring data redundancy, disaster recovery, and improved accessibility. By leveraging cloud storage solutions, Proxmox users can benefit from scalable, secure, and cost-effective offsite storage for their virtual environment backups.

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