On September 14, being part of the oVirt community as the first official oVirt backup solution provider, Vinchin is honored to be invited as a presenter of oVirt 2021 Online Conference, and share new backup and disaster recovery technologies with the industry peers.
By taking part in this annual online event, we get the remarkable chance having live discussion about the Vinchin and oVirt integration directly with the community, as well as audience and oVirt users global-wide. With inspiring ideas shared by all presenters, an unforgettable conference has been made.
The first presentation was made by Sandro Bonazzola, the oVirt community manager, also a Software Engineering for EMEA R&D RHV working at RedHat. Sandro gave an overview of the oVirt the community and of the projects, highlighting news since last year.
In addition, we also had a chance to meet online with amazing industry experts from RedHat, oVirt, and Oracle.
This year at the conference, Luwen Zhang, Product Manager from Vinchin as the presenter, shared insights about oVirt protection based on the topic of Strengthen Your oVirt Data Resiliency and Protection with Vinchin Backup & Recovery.
In today’s digital world, virtualization becomes the key base of modern IT infrastructure, and how to fully protect the data asset with improved skill may be one of the secrets that need to be urgently unlocked. Luwen brought his answers with a series of new technologies Vinchin solution applies, showing how it helps oVirt users implement advanced data protection in a simplified way.
Architecture of LAN-based Backup using Backup Plugin
Vinchin can be either installed as a virtual machine or on a physical machine, and connects to oVirt virtual infrastructure by using oVirt engine REST API. A lightweight backup plugin will be installed on each oVirt node on the hypervisor layer.
If you have a dedicated network for backup, both the oVirt nodes and Vinchin server had been connected to that network, you can change the listening IP of the backup plugin from oVirt node command line interface to enable transmission over the dedicated backup network. In the new version of Vinchin Backup & Recovery, the listening IP will be configurable directly on Vinchin web console.
Architecture of LAN-Free Backup
Vinchin Backup & Recovery supports LAN-Free backup for efficient ovirt protection with minimum production environment impact.
Architecture of Backup using ImageIO API
This is a new backup option implemented in Vinchin Backup & Recovery v6.5, which utilizes the oVirt ImageIO API.
The deployment is similar to LAN-based backup using Vinchin backup plugin, but with ImageIO, no backup plugin installation is required anymore. Everything will go through oVirt REST API and ImageIO API.
Currently, when backing up oVirt VMs using ImageIO, by default the transmission will go through management or production network, later on, more backup network selections same as backup using the backup plugin will also be available.
ImageIO API also enables Vinchin to take advantage of oVirt Changed Block Tracking (CBT) technology.
Incremental Backup options
We implemented ImageIO to replace the old LAN based backup using backup plugin, so it would be the standardized and recommended way to back up your oVirt VMs through LAN.
Backup Data Reduction for oVirt
For oVirt VM backup, we had implemented zeroed blocks exclusion from source, BitDetector and built-in data deduplication and compression to minimize the data to be transmitted and data to be saved in the backup storage. All three data reduction features can work seamlessly with ImageIO API.
VM Restore with ImageIO API
The virtual full backup and ImageIO API combination can be applied to Full VM restore, instant restore and also live migration functionalities.
Cross Platform Restore – V2V
For VM restore, a new advanced restore feature, the cross-platform restore feature, it’s also as known as V2V, which will be available in the Vinchin new version. It can be used to migrate virtual machines from other virtual platforms to oVirt.
Cross Platform Restore Process
For cross-platform restore, you can use both full VM restore and instant restore feature to do this.
Ransomware and other malwares protection
Here’s a new feature which can protect your oVirt backup data against ransomware and other malware. Your on-site backup data, onsite and offsite backup copy data, onsite and cloud archive data are all safe from ransomware and other malware.
Thanks to all of our customers, partners, and oVirt community members and visitors who joined the oVirt 2021 Online Conference. We will keep developing advanced backup and recovery technologies for oVirt users, and look forward to seeing you at next year's oVirt conference!
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