Simplify your oVirt protection with Vinchin Backup & Recovery

Easy, smart, cost-effective.

  • * 60-Day Trial (Unlimited Enterprise Edition)
  • * No credit card required
  • * Get started in 10 minutes

Vinchin performs as #1 oVirt backup and recovery solution with a series of fast, reliable and flexible VM protection functionalities. By ensuring critical data on oVirt virtual machines always highly recoverable, Vinchin Backup & Recovery helps enterprises to achieve business continuity in an advanced way.

Highlights of Vinchin Backup Solution

Automatic oVirt Backup

VM backup automation with flexible backup scheduling options

Agentless Backup

Easier installation, less resource consumption and maintenance cost

LAN-Free Backup

Direct data transfer though SAN, 0 production network consumption

Changed Block Tracking (CBT)

Faster incremental backup for oVirt VMs

Instant VM Recovery

Shorter RTOs to 15 seconds via NFS Mounting

oVirt Engine Backup

Fully protect oVirt engine configuration files

What you get for oVirt with Vinchin Backup & Recovery


Complete oVirt Protection

Designed as an all-in-one oVirt protection software, Vinchin Backup & Recovery works to deliver customers the one-stop backup and disaster recovery (DR) services with various powerful built-in functionalities.


High Backup Performance

Vinchin solutions help greatly streamline VM backup, shorten backup windows and improve backup speed with a series of reliable and advanced backup features to protect your critical oVirt workloads.


User-friendly IT Operation

Vinchin Backup & Recovery simplifies job configurations for you to get oVirt protection quickly started in minutes with a few clicks, and take overall control of the backup system effortlessly.

Key Features


Forever Incremental Backup

An advanced backup strategy to perform a full backup at the first time and the later backups are all incremental, reduce backup time and storage cost. You can also fully utilize SpeedKit, the Vinchin unique technology works as CBT alternative to quickly identify changed data blocks, to profoundly speed up oVirt backup by multiple times.


Instant Recovery

The Vinchin unique instant restore feature supports to immediately reboot your critical oVirt virtual machine using backups in the backup repository just like accessing its own local file system, making sure interrupted service can run again in 15 seconds after any system errors, malicious attacks and unavoidable disaster.


oVirt Engine Backup

Vinchin brings users a more advanced oVirt backup solution by performing daily automated oVirt engine metadata backup to secure all existing configuration files. With Vinchin Backup & Recovery, no complex oVirt engine backup scripts are needed, you can simply keep the whole oVirt environment highly recoverable by clicking a button to enable the feature.


File-level Recovery

Capable of locating and recovering target files or specific folders instead of full oVirt VM restore, the granular restore feature from Vinchin Backup & Recovery aims to fix partial soft breakdown on point and significantly improve recovery efficiency allowing users to retrieve important data in shorter time.



BitDetector helps to realize advanced data extract for more effective backup storage saving. This Vinchin unique technology is able to exclude swap files, partition gap and unpartitioned space and remain only written valuable data in backup repository, further freeing up backup space for later use.


Archive Backups to Cloud

Strictly following 3-2-1 backup rule, Vinchin Backup & Recovery provides reliable access to multiple cloud platforms including Alibaba Cloud, AWS S3, Microsoft Azure and S3 compatible storages for users to save another organized copy of oVirt VM backup for long-term retention and effective disaster recovery.


Flexible Node Expansion

Using Vinchin backup server with backup node(s) expansion to easily back up oVirt clusters in large size that helps add full scalability of backup infrastructure for the future growth of your business. You can manage your backup nodes centrally with 0 extra maintenance cost still through the unified web-based management console.


Offsite Backup Copy

By saving another independent local backup copy in offsite backup environment, you can choose to restore oVirt VM back to local or offsite data center, ensuring high data integrity even if both local production and backup environment break down.

Supported Platforms for oVirt Backup

  • oVirt 4.5.x
  • oVirt 4.4.x
  • oVirt 4.3.x
  • oVirt 4.2.x
  • oVirt 4.1.x
  • oVirt 4.0.x

Vinchin × oVirt Online Conference

oVirt Online Conference is the annual official event held by oVirt community. By inviting community members global-wide to share insights of oVirt related technologies, oVirt users can get the chance knowing more aspects of this open-source virtualization.
As a leading oVirt backup solution provider in the oVirt community, Vinchin has been one of the presenters since 2020.

2021 - Strengthen Your oVirt Data Resiliency and Protection

In this section, we unlocked a series of new technologies Vinchin Backup & Recovery applies, showing how it helps oVirt users implement advanced data protection in a simplified way.
  • Architecture of Backup using ImageIO API
  • Backup Data Reduction for oVirt
  • Cross Platform Restore – V2V
  • Ransomware and other malware protection
Unlock the secrets behind new oVirt backup and recovery technologies with Luwen Zhang, the Product Manager at Vinchin at the conference.
Unlock the secrets behind new oVirt backup and recovery technologies with Luwen Zhang, the Product Manager at Vinchin at the conference.
In this section, we unlocked a series of new technologies Vinchin Backup & Recovery applies, showing how it helps oVirt users implement advanced data protection in a simplified way.
  • Architecture of Backup using ImageIO API
  • Backup Data Reduction for oVirt
  • Cross Platform Restore – V2V
  • Ransomware and other malware protection

2020 - Next-Gen oVirt Backup & DR Solution

In this section, what had been introduced includes details of the core technologies applied to Vinchin Backup & Recovery, and how exactly they work to deliver reliable and advanced oVirt protection.
  • LAN-Free oVirt Backup
  • oVirt Incremental Backup
  • oVirt-engine Metadata Backup
  • Instant oVirt VM Recovery
  • Multi-Protect oVirt VMs
Close up to the high performance of Vinchin Backup & Recovery via speech from Shall Ao, the Sales Director at Vinchin at the conference.
Close up to the high performance of Vinchin Backup & Recovery via speech from Shall Ao, the Sales Director at Vinchin at the conference.
In this section, what had been introduced includes details of the core technologies applied to Vinchin Backup & Recovery, and how exactly they work to deliver reliable and advanced oVirt protection.
  • LAN-Free oVirt Backup
  • oVirt Incremental Backup
  • oVirt-engine Metadata Backup
  • Instant oVirt VM Recovery
  • Multi-Protect oVirt VMs
Top Reasons to Choose Vinchin Backup & Recovery

Higher Backup Performance

Streamline VM Backup

Vinchin Backup & Recovery automates virtual machine backups for oVirt. With the flexible backup timetable and strategy options the software provides, oVirt backup jobs can be fully customizable. Users can set any oVirt automatic full backup, incremental backup, and differential backup jobs to run at daily, weekly and monthly basis effortlessly to adapt current IT operation status, minimizing manual configuration workloads.


Shorter VM Backup Windows

Vinchin Backup & Recovery supports users to back up oVirt virtual machines via LAN-Free path without any production network resource consumption, which is achieved by direct access of SAN (Storage Area Network) including FC, iSCSI, and NFS. This feature help significantly boost VM backup speed and shorten backup windows so that high data volumes can be transferred even during business hours.

Powerful oVirt CBT & SpeedKit

As legacy incremental backups usually take lots of time for the traversal of the whole file system, Vinchin Backup & Recovery is able to help with oVirt CBT(working on ovirt 4.4) and SpeedKit, a CBT alternative (working on oVirt 4.3 and older releases where there's no CBT available). By fully utilizing snapshot and oVirt REST API technologies, changed data blocks can be quickly identified, which greatly improves the backup speed of oVirt VMs.

Complete Data Protection


Enhanced Data Availability

Saving multiple copies of your critical VM backups is always the best practice to ensure data availability stands at a high level. Vinchin Backup & Recovery supports you to not only copy oVirt backups to both remote sites and secondary storage, but also archive copies to public cloud for long-term data retention. In this way, even under worst-case scenario that both production and backup hosts at primary site were damaged, there’re always highly recoverable backup copies for you to use.

Flexible Data Restore Options

With Vinchin Backup & Recovery, you can fully utilize important oVirt backups in multiple data recovery scenarios including automated full VM restore, instant VM restore and file-level granular restore. You can choose the best recovery solutions regarding the issue type of your virtual machine. No matter it’s the partial soft breakdown, business interruption or severe VM damage that occurs, there’s always a best recovery solution to help.

Best Backup Storage Saving Results

Vinchin Backup & Recovery not only works to improve the flexibility and efficiency of oVirt data protection, but also helps on storage saving optimization. With data reduction features like deduplication, compression and Vinchin BitDetector the software offers, you can ensure only unique and valuable data blocks are saved to the backup depository after being compressed by at least 50%, making more space to save valuable backup data.

Improved TCO

Intuitive Management

To simplify backup management workloads for every IT team, Vinchin Backup & Recovery integrates all oVirt data protection features into one easy-to-use web console. You can easily find the thing you want from the sidebar where functions are clearly divided into monitor center, backup & recovery for different workloads, resources and system setup etc. Allows you to easily configure and start a specific backup or restore job through 3-4 steps.


Manpower Savings

Vinchin Backup & Recovery eliminates complex backup agent installation by adapting agentless virtual machine backup technology for lighter oVirt data protection. Traditional agent-based VM backup usually requires a lot more resources to keep backups processing smoothly. But by using oVirt backup solutions from Vinchin, you can get VM backups immediately started in a much more business-friendly way with no more pre-agent deployment and maintenance cost needed.

Optimized IT Administration

IT administrators are offen overwhelmed with different projects, so we designed some user-friendly monitor and notification functionalities to make you grab hold of each oVirt data protection job running result in time. Job alerts and notifications can be sent to you via email daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Data visualization interface built in the web management console let you see in sight the working status of each functionality partition in real-time through a large display screen.

Advanced oVirt Recovery


Accurate and Fast File Restore

Sometimes you may have the need to restore a single file due to mistaken deletion or partial data damage after system failure. To solve such issue, Vinchin Backup & Recovery offers a more convenient functionality to help only recover the file rather than the entire VM. You can use granuler restore to easily recover the target file or folder by using any restore point which is before the deletion or damage. As this feature runs 100% independently, you can use it whenever you need without worrying about making impacts on other VM recovery jobs.

Shorten RTOs to 1 Minute

When talking of the key elements of building a successful enterprise, business continuity always counts. For mission-critical IT services, Vinchin Backup & Recovery offers instant restore to quickly recover oVirt VMs from service interruption in 15 seconds. A new virtual disk image will be virtualized based on the original backup file and be shared with the newly created oVirt VM in the production host via NFS. 1 minute later, the crashed VM is available again.

Resources for oVirt Backup

Product Guides

Materials for you to quickly get started with Vinchin Backup & Recovery


Product Overview V8.1


Quick Installation Guide

Installation Guide V8.1


Release Note

Release Note V8.1


User Guide

User Guide V8.1


How-to Video

Learn how to backup and recover your oVirt with Vinchin

Blogs about oVirt

Keep up to date with Vinchin latest developments on oVirt

Meet Vinchin at oVirt 2021 Online Conference
How to Backup and Restore oVirt VM in Vinchin Backup & Recovery?

Frequently Asked Questions

Tips about oVirt Backup you want to know when using the product

Find the best Vinchin solution for your oVirt Protection

To suit a wider array of business needs, we provide flexible edition and license options of our customers.

We got multiple product editions here!

We got multiple product editions here! Free Edition applies to micro-businesses who has only 1 or 2 VMs need to back up. Protects up to 3 virtual servers running on oVirt hosts.

Standard Edition applies to SMBs who needs enterprise level data protection for their oVirt Infrastructure, requires advanced backup and recovery features.

Enterprise Edition applies to medium and large organizations who own comprehensive and complex IT infrastructure.


Which license type do you prefer?

A Vinchin Perpetual License means one-time pay, forever use! You can enjoy complete VM protection from Vinchin Backup & Recovery without limitation of time. It is sold by the number of physical CPU sockets on target hosts.

A Vinchin Subscription License allows you to subscribe the Vinchin Backup & Recovery every per 1-3 years to balance your budget. It is subscribed by the number of virtual machines that you need to protect.

Edition Comparisons for oVirt Backup

Find the best edition that suits your need most


Up to 3 VMs
  • VM Backup
  • Full VM Recovery
  • Deduplication & Compression
  • Proxy


Up to 10 sockets/100 VMs
  • Forever Incremental Backup
  • CBT & SpeedKit
  • BitDetector
  • Backup to Cloud
  • Instant VM Recovery
  • Full VM Recovery
  • File Level Recovery
  • Deduplication & Compression
  • Proxy
  • Ransomware Protection
  • Data Encryption
  • GFS Retention Policy


Unlimited Protection
  • Forever Incremental Backup
  • CBT & SpeedKit
  • BitDetector
  • Backup to Cloud
  • LAN-Free Backup
  • Instant VM Recovery
  • Full VM Recovery
  • File Level Recovery
  • Backup Copy (onsite/offsite/cloud)
  • Backup Archive (onsite/cloud)
  • Backup to Tape
  • Backup Verification
  • Job Orchestration
  • Deduplication & Compression
  • Proxy
  • Ransomware Protection
  • Data Encryption
  • GFS Retention Policy
  • V2V
Contact us, get a best offer for your organization!

Pricing FAQs

Some answers to the most common questions about pricing

Which hosts are required to be licensed in my virtual environment?

Licenses are required only for the hosts you intend to backup. The hosts on which you want to recover VMs does not need to be licensed.

Do you offer volume discounts?

Yes, single order amount exceeds US$10,000, you can get a discount from Vinchin. The larger the order, the higher the discount. Please contact or Vinchin sales manager for a discount details.

What are the international taxes, duties, etc. that I have to pay?

You don't need to pay any additional international taxes, you only need to pay the import tax according to your local tax policy if there's any.

What's the purchase procedure?

1. Contact Vinchin sales manager to confirm your purchase.

2. Receive contract & invoice from Vinchin by email.

3. Sign on the contract with your company stamp and send it to Vinchin by email.

4. Receive Vinchin signed contract and submit the payment transfer, once done, send transfer proof to Vinchin by email.

5. Once we receive your payment, Vinchin sales manager will contact you to deliver license by email. (Bank wire transfer usually takes 3-5 working days, Paypal/AliPay/WeChat Pay usually takes 1-2 working days)

Want a free trial first?

Download the Full-Featured Trial Version

Easy to use, reliable, and affordable VM backup solution for VMware, Hyper-V, XenServer/XCP-ng, RHV/oVirt, Oracle OLVM, Sangfor HCI etc.

  • * 60-day free trial with all features unlocked
  • * No credit card required
  • * Get started in 10 minutes

* Submit the form to get the download link and license key now, and get complete data protection started in 10 minutes

Start Free Trial Now


Any question?

Contact us and Vinchin Support Team is here to answer it for you from Monday to Sunday.


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Learn more details about how Vinchin and oVirt work together for better business experience.


Interested to buy Vinchin Backup & Recovery? Request a quote here, we will contact you soon with pricing details.