Linux P2V | How to Convert a Linux Server to a VM?

Linux P2V technology facilitates physical-to-virtual conversions, optimizing migration and increasing efficiency while highlighting the critical need for virtual machine security protection.

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Updated by Dan Zeng on 2023/12/25

Table of contents
  • What is Linux P2V?

  • How to achieve Linux P2V?

  • Securing virtual machines with Vinchin Backup & Recovery

  • Conclusion

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The advent of virtualization technology has allowed us to save on computer performance and energy consumption. In general, Linux hosts have full virtualization capabilities. One of the most popular technologies is Linux P2V, which is Linux physical to virtual conversion. Today let's briefly introduce Linux P2V technology.

What is Linux P2V?

Linux P2V, also called physical-to-virtual (P2V), is the conversion of a physical instance to a virtual instance. Using Linux physical to virtual technology, an existing system on a physical machine can be converted into a virtual machine without the need to reinstall the operating system. Linux P2V technology also makes it easier and faster to migrate newly installed operating systems to a physical server using a virtual machine, as well as to migrate servers quickly, saving time and improving efficiency.

How to achieve Linux P2V?

In Linux P2V migration, it's common to convert either the entire physical disk or a specific partition into an image file in a particular format to migrate software resources. The following steps will use dd to convert the entire physical disk:

1. Use the dd command to convert sda physical disks to RAW format

cd /
dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/ ^c
dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/system.img

2. Create a libirt XML-based QEMU/KVM virtual machine on the target, with the same number of disks and format as the original machine.

3. Start the virtual machine and use the command to check the disk format to ensure that it is the same as the original machine:

fdisk -l

Securing virtual machines with Vinchin Backup & Recovery

However, while Linux physical to virtual technology has revolutionized virtualization, we must recognize that the security of virtual machines is critical. Protecting and backing up VMs is an integral part of ensuring the stability and resilience of virtualized environments.

Vinchin Backup & Recovery

Vinchin Backup & Recovery is a backup solution designed for virtual machines of VMware, Hyper-V, XenServer, XCP-ng, oVirt, RHV, etc. It provides comprehensive and powerful VM backup and recovery features like agentless backup, instant recovery, V2V migration designed to protect and manage critical data in the virtualization environment.

Vinchin Backup & Recovery’s operation is very simple, just a few simple steps. Just select VMs on the host > then select backup destination > select strategies > finally submit the job

Vinchin offers a free 60-day trial for users to experience the functionality in a real-world environment. For more information, please contact Vinchin directly or contact our local partners.


In summary, Linux P2V technology converts physical machines into VMs for faster migration and increased efficiency. However, it is critical to ensure the security and recoverability of VMs. Vinchin Backup & Recovery provides a comprehensive solution for securing VMs and is an excellent choice for protecting critical data in virtualized environments.

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