What is IaaS?
What is PaaS?
What is SaaS?
What is CaaS?
What is MaaS?
In the digital era, cloud service becoming increasing popular because it's cost-effective and good for disaster recovery. so understanding the layer of cloud services is crucial for business. You might have heard of the concepts like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, CaaS, and MaaS. What are they and do you need them for your business? This post will explain their concepts and tell you which companies need them.
What is IaaS?
IaaS: Infrastructure as a service, sometimes called hardware as a Service
A few years ago, if you wanted to run some enterprise applications in your office or on your company's website, you needed to buy servers, or some other expensive piece of hardware, to control the native applications and get your business running. But now with IaaS, you can outsource your hardware somewhere else. IaaS companies will provide off-site servers, storage, and networking hardware that you can rent. With reduced maintenance costs and office space, companies can run their applications with this hardware at any time.
What is PaaS?
PaaS: platform as a service, sometimes called middleware
All of your company's development can be done at this level, saving time and resources.
PaaS provides solutions for developing and distributing applications on the web, such as virtual servers and operating systems. This saves you money on hardware and makes it easier to collaborate between scattered studios. Web application management, application design, application hosting, storage, security and application development collaboration tools, etc.
What is SaaS?
SaaS: Software as a service (Software as a service)
This layer is the layer that comes into contact with your life every day, mostly through a web browser. Any application on a remote server can be run over a network, known as SaaS.
Currently, all three are well developed and closely related, with IaaS as the base layer, PaaS as the platform layer, and SaaS as the software layer.
In recent years, with the in-depth development of teamwork, CaaS, and MaaS have been constantly coming into people's vision. What are the meanings of CaaS and MaaS?
What is CaaS?
CaaS: Communications as a Service, which means communication as a Service (also known as collaboration as a Service)
CaaS is the ability of the traditional telecom such as message, voice, video, conference, communication coordinated encapsulated into the API (Application Programming Interface, Application Programming Interface) or the SDK (Software Development Kit, the Software Development Kit) opening to the outside world via the Internet, to provide a third party (enterprises, SME, vertical industry, CP/SP and individual developers, etc.), will truly telecommunications capacity as a service provides.
What is MaaS?
MaaS: Machine as a Service
The concept of MaaS comes with the Internet of Things. Two common forms of Internet of Things Service are MAI and MaaS, so MaaS is one of the forms of Internet of Things Service.
As the business volume of the Internet of Things increases, the demand for data storage and computing volume will lead to the demand for "cloud computing" capacity.
Cloud Services can help companies save budgets and improve work efficiency. You have known the concepts of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, CaaS, and MaaS and how they works so you can select the right cloud services for your company.
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