How to Back Up an S3 Bucket to a Local Machine in 2 Ways?

Backing up AWS S3 buckets locally is essential for ensuring data security and accessibility. This process involves using the AWS CLI to copy or synchronize data, providing better control and flexibility for data recovery.

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Updated by Dan Zeng on 2024/11/05

Table of contents
  • How to backup an s3 bucket to local machine?

  • Prerequisites

  • How to backup an S3 bucket to a local machine using the CP command?

  • How to back up an S3 bucket to your local machine using AWS S3 sync?

  • Backing up AWS S3 buckets locally FAQs

  • Conclusion

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In modern data management, backing up data locally in the cloud is a critical step in ensuring data security and accessibility. AWS S3 storage buckets, a widely used cloud storage service, are commonly used to store important data such as corporate data, backup files, logs, and more. However, keeping data only in the cloud can carry certain risks, such as limited access or network failure. It is recommended that by backing up data from S3 storage buckets to a local computer, you can not only improve the controllability of your data, but also have more flexibility when it comes to data recovery.

How to backup an s3 bucket to local machine?


  • Have an AWS account with access to S3 storage buckets.

  • Install the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on your local computer.

  • Configure the AWS CLI with your AWS credentials.

Install the AWS CLI

Install the AWS CLI on your local computer, as described in the official AWS documentation.

Configure the AWS CLI

After the installation is complete, configure the CLI using your AWS credentials. open a terminal or command prompt and enter the following command:

aws configure

When prompted, enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Region, and Output Format, in that order.

How to backup an S3 bucket to a local machine using the CP command?

After identifying the files to be copied, you can use the following command to copy the files from the specified S3 storage bucket to a local directory:

aws s3 cp s3://your-bucket-name/your-file-name /path/to/local/directory

Replace your-bucket-name with the name of your S3 bucket, your-file-name with the name of the file to be copied, and /path/to/local/directory with the local destination folder path.

Verify file copying

Once the copy is complete, you can verify that the files were copied successfully by looking at the contents of the local directory:

ls /path/to/local/directory

How to back up an S3 bucket to your local machine using AWS S3 sync?

The AWS CLI provides the aws s3 sync command to synchronize files between your local computer and S3 or between different S3 storage buckets. The command supports a variety of parameters and options to meet various synchronization needs.

Basic syntax

The general syntax of the sync command is as follows:

aws s3 sync <source> <destination>

Note that the sync command skips empty folders, so if there are no files in the source folder, no corresponding empty folder will be created in the target location.

Download files locally from an S3 storage bucket

To download a folder or all files in an S3 storage bucket locally, you can use the following command. Adding the --recursive option ensures that nested folders and their contents are synchronized:

aws s3 sync s3://mybucket ~/Downloads --recursive

Note that the sync command skips empty folders, so if there are no files in the source folder, no corresponding empty folder will be created in the target location.

Upload files to S3 storage buckets

You can upload the contents of a local folder to an S3 bucket by swapping the source and destination locations:

aws s3 sync ~/Downloads s3://mybucket

During synchronization, all files are uploaded to the specified S3 bucket directory and existing files are overwritten. If version control is enabled for the bucket, new versions are created for existing files.

Synchronize files between two buckets

You can also use the sync command to copy files between two S3 buckets without having to download them locally and then upload them:

aws s3 sync s3://source-bucket s3://target-bucket

Backing up AWS S3 buckets locally FAQs

Q1: How often should I back up my S3 bucket?

A1: The frequency of backups depends on your business needs and the rate at which your data changes. Common practices include daily, weekly, or monthly backups. For critical data, more frequent backups may be necessary.

Q2: Can I automate the backup process?

A2: Yes, you can automate the backup process using scripts and scheduling tools. For example, you can create a shell script that uses the AWS CLI to sync your S3 bucket with a local directory and then schedule this script to run at regular intervals using cron jobs on Linux or Task Scheduler on Windows.


Backing up AWS S3 buckets locally enhances data control and recovery flexibility. For comprehensive S3 backup support, keep an eye on Vinchin Backup & Recovery's upcoming release, which will offer advanced solutions for efficient, secure S3 data backups.

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