How to Easily Upgrade from ESXi 7 to ESXi 8 with vSphere Update Manager?

ESXi is a very popular enterprise hypervisor. If you are using ESXi 7 and want to upgrade to ESXi 8, you can follow this guide to upgrade ESXi 7 to ESXi 8 with vSphere Update Manager step by step.

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Updated by Nick Zhao on 2025/02/10

Table of contents
  • Preparation for ESXi Upgrade

  • Upgrade from ESXi 7 to ESXi 8 with vSphere Update Manager Step by Step

  • How to Backup ESXi VMs with Vinchin?

  • ESXi upgrade FAQs

  • Conclusion

VMware ESXi is the most popular enterprise virtualization software and continues to release new features and performance improvements. If you're still using ESXi 7, you can upgrade to ESXi 8 to access the latest features and enhance the stability and performance of your virtualization environment.

This article will detail the steps to upgrade from ESXi 7 to ESXi 8 using vSphere Update Manager and how to ensure the safety of your data and system compatibility during the upgrade process. If you are comfortable with command-line tools, you can refer to the section on how to upgrade ESXi to the latest version using the command line.

Preparation for ESXi Upgrade

ESXi Host Configuration and VM Backup: It is recommended to backup the related host and VM data in case of any unexpected situations that could cause data loss.

Hardware Compatibility Check: As different versions of ESXi have varying hardware compatibility, you should check hardware compatibility before upgrading to avoid issues with running virtual machines after the upgrade.

vCenter Compatibility Check: If you are using vCenter Server, make sure its version is compatible with ESXi 8; otherwise, you might experience management issues after the upgrade.

It is best to upgrade ESXi during non-peak hours because you may need to shut down related virtual machines or migrate them to other hosts using vMotion. Upgrading during low business load periods will help minimize the impact on production environments.

Upgrade from ESXi 7 to ESXi 8 with vSphere Update Manager Step by Step

vSphere Update Manager (VUM) is a tool provided by VMware for centralized management and automation of the upgrade process for multiple ESXi hosts managed by vCenter Server. Using VUM to upgrade ESXi simplifies the process and ensures consistency and security during the upgrade, especially in large-scale environments.

1. Download the ESXi 8 installation package from the Broadcom website, then follow the steps below to upgrade ESXi

2. Log in to vCenter > go to vSphere Update Manager > find the Updates tab > In the Depot section, click Import > browse and upload the ESXi 8 update package you downloaded

3. In vSphere Update Manager, select Baselines > click New Baseline and choose Upgrade type > enter a name for the baseline > click Save

4. In vSphere Client, select the ESXi host or host group you want to upgrade > right-click on the host or group, select Update Manager > attach Baseline > In the pop-up window, select the  baseline created earlier > click OK

5. In vSphere Client, select the target host or group > on the Update Manager page, click Scan > VUM will perform a scan to check if the host meets the upgrade criteria. If an upgrade is needed, the system will show relevant prompts

6. In vSphere Client, select the target host or group > right-click and choose Update Manager > click Remediate > Choose Upgrade Now or Schedule Upgrade > Click OK

7. After the upgrade, log in to the ESXi host’s Web Client to check if the host’s version has been successfully upgraded to ESXi 8.

How to Backup ESXi VMs with Vinchin?

Vinchin Backup & Recovery is a comprehensive virtual machine backup solution. In addition to supporting VMware ESXi and vCenter environments, it also supports other major virtualization platforms such as Hyper-V, Proxmox, OLVM, oVirt, RHV, XenServer, XCP-ng, and OpenStack.

Not only does it ensure data security, but it also provides efficient disaster recovery features like CDP, data replication, failover, failback, and instant VM recovery, which effectively guarantee business continuity and simplify V2V migration.

The steps to back up a virtual machine are simple and can be completed in four steps:

1. Select the virtual machine

Select ESXi VMs

2. Choose the storage location

Select storage

3. Choose the backup policy

Select strategies

4. Submit the task

Submit the job

Vinchin has helped thousands of businesses protect critical data. You can click the download button below to get the installation package, complete the deployment in minutes and start testing with a 60-day full-featured free trial.

ESXi upgrade FAQs

1. Can you upgrade ESXi without losing data?

Yes, as long as you backup your ESXi host configurations and virtual machines beforehand.

2. Do you need to upgrade vCenter when upgrading ESXi?

It depends. Make sure to upgrade it to a version that is compatible with ESXi 8 to avoid any management issues after the upgrade.

3. What should I do if my ESXi host fails after the upgrade?

If an ESXi host fails after upgrading, you can downgrade ESXi to return to the previous stable state. Always have a backup strategy in place to avoid data loss.


Upgrading ESXi through vSphere Update Manager is an efficient and reliable method suitable for most production environments. With VUM, you can streamline the upgrade process, ensure consistency across host versions, and quickly resume operations. Preparation before the upgrade, such as backing up virtual machines, configuring and checking hardware compatibility, is crucial to ensure that your system doesn't lose data or encounter major issues during the upgrade process.

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