How to Efficiently Convert AMI to VMDK Format?

Converting Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) to VMDK format enables efficient cross-platform virtualization, facilitating seamless migration between AWS, local environments, and other cloud platforms with the help of Amazon S3.

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Updated by Dan Zeng on 2024/11/19

Table of contents
  • How to convert AMI to VMDK format?

  • Conclusion

  • AMI to VMDK conversion FAQs

In cloud computing, virtualization technology is one of the core tools for deploying and managing infrastructure. Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a pre-configured virtual machine image provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to quickly launch instances and support a variety of operating systems and applications. However, as multi-cloud strategies and the need for cross-platform migration increases, it becomes critical to convert AMIs to a format supported by other virtualization platforms such as VMware or Oracle VirtualBox.

This guide is about converting AMI to VMDK format, a virtual disk file format widely used by VMware and other virtualization software. This process allows users to achieve an efficient migration from AWS to a local environment or other cloud platforms such as Google Cloud Platform. This guide will detail how to use the export feature provided by AWS to transform AMI to VMDK and store it in Amazon S3 for subsequent use.

How to convert AMI to VMDK format?

Create an AMI

First, you need to create an AMI powered by Amazon EBS. Make sure that your EC2 instance is properly configured and that you have created an AMI.

Prepare the environment

· Install the AWS CLI on your local computer.

· Configure the AWS CLI, ensuring that the correct IAM credentials are used.

· Create an S3 storage bucket to hold the exported VMDK files.

· Ensure that AWS STS is activated and that the required roles (e.g. vmimport ) are created correctly.

Execute the export command

Use the export-image command to export AMI and specify the export format as VMDK:

aws ec2 export-image --image-id ami-xxxxxxxx --disk-image-format vmdk --s3-export-location S3Bucket=my-export-bucket,S3Prefix=exports/

image-id: the ID of the AMI you want to export.

disk-image-format vmdk: make sure the format is specified as vmdk.

s3-export-location: Specify the target S3 storage bucket and prefix.

Monitor Task Progress

You will see the progress and status of the task until the export task is complete.

Download the VMDK file: Once the export task is complete, the file is saved in an S3 storage bucket. You can download the VMDK file directly using the AWS console or the S3 API.

aws ec2 describe-export-image-tasks --export-image-task-ids export-xxxxxxxx

Download the VMDK file

Once the export job is complete, the file is saved in an S3 storage bucket. You can download the VMDK file directly using the AWS console or the S3 API.


As the demand for cross-platform virtualization and multi-cloud strategies grows, converting AMIs to widely accepted formats such as VMDK has become essential for seamless migration and management. The outlined steps provide a streamlined approach to transform AMI to VMDK, enabling users to integrate AWS-hosted instances into VMware environments or other compatible platforms. This ensures adaptability and reduces vendor lock-in, providing greater flexibility in managing cloud and local infrastructure.

To further enhance your virtualization and data protection strategies, Vinchin Backup & Recovery is introducing support for Amazon S3. This feature will enable users to store, manage, and migrate backups efficiently within S3-compatible storage environments, ensuring seamless integration with cloud and hybrid systems. Whether you’re migrating workloads or securing critical data, Vinchin’s robust backup capabilities, coupled with S3 support, will empower your virtualization and cloud computing solutions.

AMI to VMDK conversion FAQs

Q1: Can I Convert a Running Instance to a VMDK?

A1: No: You need to stop the instance before exporting it to a VHD format. This ensures data consistency and integrity during the export process.

Q2: What Should I Do After Conversion?

A2: Test the VMDK: Import the VMDK into your VMware environment and test the virtual machine to ensure everything works as expected.

Adjust Settings: You may need to adjust the virtual machine settings, such as network configurations, to match your local environment.

Security: Ensure that any security settings, such as firewalls and access controls, are properly configured in your local environment.

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